
How to Pass a Hair Follicle Test Naturally

Even though recreational or medical marijuana use has become legal in many states, there is still a social stigma that can negatively affect your chances of getting a new job or keeping your existing one. If you’ve got a particularly intolerant employer, you may find that your medical marijuana use can put your job … How to Pass a Hair Follicle Test Naturally Read More »...
nicotine drug test

How Long Does Nicotine Stay in Your Urine?

When most people think of a drug test, they tend to think of tests that look for the use of illegal substances such as heroin, cocaine, methamphetamines, and opiates. However, while such tests are indeed commonly used by employers to screen potential employees, there are also other drug tests that you need to be aware … How Long Does Nicotine Stay in Your Urine? Read More »...
Does Walmart Drug Test

Does Walmart Drug Test Employees?

Walmart is known for their incredibly strict zero-tolerance policy when it comes to drugs and alcohol. In addition to not allowing their employees to use illegal drugs, Walmart requires employees to not be under the influence of alcohol while at work, and they do not allow the consumption of alcohol while at work. To comply … Does Walmart Drug Test Employees? Read More »...
Apple Cider Vinegar Pass Drug Test

Does Apple Cider Vinegar Help You Pass a Urine Test?

Apple cider vinegar is a popular home remedy that has been used in a wide array of functions, from treating sunburn to assisting with weight loss and even as a salad vinaigrette. Apple cider vinegar is made from crushed apple juice that has been fermented into a cider and then allowed to go sour. The … Does Apple Cider Vinegar Help You Pass a Urine Test? Read More »...
Pass a Saliva Drug Test with Mouthwash

Can You Pass a Saliva Test with Mouthwash?

Saliva testing relies on the same principle as any other drug test. When you use a drug, it breaks down into other compounds in your body. One can find these metabolites in saliva, urine, and blood. They are even deposited onto your hair follicles. Labs can then test these elements by using a simple immunoassay, … Can You Pass a Saliva Test with Mouthwash? Read More »...
drinking coffee

Can You Drink Coffee Before A urine Screening?

Drug tests can be an unfortunate part of life. Whether you found yourself in trouble with the law or you are being tested before landing your dream job, drug tests can be a nerve-wracking experience. The truth is, if you want to pass, you need to be covering all your bases. While not doing drugs … Can You Drink Coffee Before A urine Screening? Read More »...
drug test alcohol

How To Pass A Urine Test For Alchol

Drug testing for alcohol is undoubtedly something that most of us might face at one point, with recreational drug and alcohol use so prevalent in the population. It is why we have prepared a guide on how to test yourself at home to be certain. This guide intends to clarify any questions you have about alcohol … How To Pass A Urine Test For Alchol Read More »...

How Long Do Mushrooms Stay in Your System?

If you’re a fan of hallucinogens, such as mushrooms or LSD, you may be worried about whether or not screenings can detect your use of these substances. To understand how these work, you first need to understand what happens in your body when you use shrooms. Magic Mushroom Metabolism Magic mushrooms are a specific family … How Long Do Mushrooms Stay in Your System? Read More »...
The Best Hair Follicle Shampoo to Pass a Drug Test

The Best Hair Follicle Shampoo

How does the Hair Follicle Screening work? By understanding how the test functions, you can start to distinguish between home remedies that can plausibly work versus those that won’t do anything. The principle of the hair follicle test is relatively simple. For your hair to grow, it needs to be supplied with nutrients. It gets … The Best Hair Follicle Shampoo Read More »...
how to pass a mouth swab drug test

How to Pass a Mouth Swab Drug Test

While a urine screening is a preferred method, mouth swab (saliva) testings have been growing in popularity lately. They are inexpensive, easy to administer and provide accurate results. It is why we have prepared this guide on how to pass a mouth swab test for weed and other substances. We provide you with accurate information … How to Pass a Mouth Swab Drug Test Read More »...
man smoking a cigarette

How To Pass a Nicotine Test

When you hear about urinalysis at a job interview, you might think, “I’m good...

The Best THC Detox Methods

It is time for marijuana detox. Maybe you need to pass a drug test to finalize a job offer or...