Synthetic Urine Holster- Leg Strap


This adjustable synthetic urine belt keeps your fake urine bottle attached to your leg while maintaining it at the perfect temperature.

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All You Need to Know About the Synthetic Urine Leg Strap

This fake urine belt, by Quick Fix, fits snuggly around the upper thigh with velcro adjustments able to accommodate to any size. You don’t have to worry about using heat pads, or about it loosening and falling down your leg. (Urine/bottle not included)

This new method is widely accepted as a fantastic alternative to the old ‘heating pad system’ even though a heating pad may still be used with the strap. We highly recommend this fake urine belt due to its proven track record and popularity. The Strap Kit comes with discreet shipping and can be used to store many common items as well, so buy yours today!

We often get a lot of questions on how the synthetic urine belt works. We will highlight a few frequently asked questions about the product and some instructions for its different preparation methods.

Can the heating pad be used in conjunction with the synthetic urine holder?

This synthetic urine belt kit was designed to keep the urine close to body temp after it is heated without the use of the heating pad. If you work in a cold environment or live in a cold climate, it would be a good idea to put the heating pad with the synthetic urine bottle in the urine holder’s pouch.

This discreet leg strap was designed with neoprene which is to be worn on the upper thigh underneath the clothes so in almost all cases this will ensure the bottle of fake pee stays warm. As a required standard all labs are to accept a urine sample between the range of 90-100 degrees Fahrenheit so the fake urine holder gives you a good sense of insurance when you are wearing it.

The synthetic belt was designed to secure any item discreetly, when inserted in the strap it will be held in there snug with no possibility of falling out. We do recommend you speed up the process prior to inserting the urine bottle by putting it in the microwave prior to inserting it in your belt pouch. Make sure that you check it’s the correct temperature using a temperature strip.

Can the synthetic urine leg strap be seen under my clothes?

No, when the fake urine belt is worn, it should be fitted up high on the thigh with the bottle facing your growing area – this will ensure it is placed in the core center of your body, which is the warmest.

The synthetic urine belt has been designed so that it doesn’t show and saves the stress of having to find a secure and safe place to stash your bottle.

From the moment you walk out of your front door, it is hidden away so no one can see what you are carrying.

What other purposes can I use the fake pee strap for?

The synthetic belt also is great for strapping other items to your leg not just urine! If you need to conceal something when out and about or maybe on holiday traveling it can be useful. As it is very comfortable it can be used to hold a phone, cash, passport or anything else that fits the pocket for many hours.

Can I reuse the synthetic strap?

Yes, this kit is designed for longevity and is refillable. The synthetic urine belt can be used as a safe place to store valuables or other items that you need to hide discreetly so it has multiple uses.

Can the synthetic urine strap be used with any Quick Fix bottles?

Yes, this synthetic urine belt is an ideal fit for both the 2 and 3-ounce bottles so if you are a user of our other products this should be perfect. The quality and high-grade design make it the best method to keep the bottle safe and ready for use until the time comes to use it.

Just remember to get it heated to the correct temperature. For best results use a microwave to heat it before strapping it to your leg. If the weather is particularly cold you might also want to make use of a heating pad.

Does the strap fix all leg sizes?

Yes, it is fully adjustable and will stretch to fit most leg sizes. If for some reason it doesn’t fit your leg you will have to get creative, you can attach the strap to your ankle if needed.

What are the Instructions for using it?

This synthetic urine belt kit is extremely easy to use. Just remove the bottle from the synthetic urine belt and empty the contents into the sample cup and place the empty bottle back into the holder.

Is the Urine Bottle Included?

No, this is a stand-alone product and it doesn’t come with a urine bottle or heating pad. You can order the Quick Fix 6.3 synthetic Urine formula with its 2oz bottle or the larger 3oz Quick Fix Synthetic Urine 6.3 plus bottle. Both of them are designed to fit inside the fake urine belt.

Other accessories we stock are a pre filled synthetic urine bladder belt that fits up to a 40-inch waist and the stash underwear which are underwear in which you can hide your bottle or other valuables.

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